So, I just came back from the Dark Ages which is being without power for just over a week due to Hurricane Sandy. Yes, I am positively GIDDY to have heat, a working stove, the TV, the internet (and the friends it connects me to) back. You never realize how much all this tech runs your life until it's gone for days on end. So, YAAAAAAY!
Right before this all happened, I had mentioned on Facebook that I was going to do some Turks over on Amazon's Mechanical Turk service so I could save up the credit to get myself a Kindle Fire to enable more choices with the NJ online library books. Well, it happened that fellow artist, Brandy Stark, had a Kindle Fire which had met with the destructive forces which can sometimes be generated in a house full of pugs. Seems the kids had managed to knock it from a table, crack the screen and nibble at the power cord a bit. None of it was enough to keep it from functioning. She offered me a wonderfully cheap price. I was more than happy to be her excuse to upgrade herself to a Kindle Fire HD. LOL
Originally, I had planned to have her wait until AFTER things got to rights after Hurricane Sandy, but the message got to her after she'd sent it already. The mail was back up and running amazingly fast after the storm and the Kindle, to my utter shock, got to me pretty much on schedule. It proved to be a good thing, actually. See, without power, my poor ADHD riddled brain has nothing to DO once the necessary and still doable manual labor tasks are done. Bless her, Brandy had sent it fully charged which allowed me to do a little training in how to operate it and read the manual on it. I couldn't load anything, but it still gave me things to mess with. Not long after I started fooling with it, I realized I had nothing to carry it in at all. Not good. It really needs some manner of protection to keep it from getting all scratched up.
So, I started poking around at some random things in my room and thought, "Hmmmmm. Surely I can figure something out." And I did. I gathered up mat backing board, grey duct tape, an old boot lace, a slider from a broken camp chair bag closure, a wrist strap from an accessory pack for my Sansa MP3 player, a stapler, a pen knife and a pair of scissors. This is the result:
Ugly, yet functional. LOL And it'll serve until I can go do some Turk jobs to get an accessory pack for the Kindle with a case, screen protector and stylus. :-D