When I went to the Ocean County Health Initiative clinic yesterday to try and get set with them so I will have my meds when my current scripts run out, the doctor pretty much indicated (without directly saying so) that two different sets of docs I had in Texas (one at Kelsey-Seybold and the other in Harris County Healthcare system) didn't know what they were doing.
She "didn't approve" of me having the cyclobenzapine (taken to keep my legs from tap dancing me out of bed at night or cramping to the point my knee is on my chest), diclofenac (taken for the arthritis) and gabapentin (to calm the diabetic neuropathy). She said she NEVER gives pain meds unless "it's a patient dying of cancer or something and then maybe only in the last couple of months".
I SO need to print out this article I read on Web MD recently about how being a pain patient himself really opened a doctor's eyes on how very poorly patients with chronic pain are treated and give it to her. The doctor said even HE got the stupid "It's all in your head" crap and couldn't imagine how it was for someone who wasn't a medical professional if HE got treated that way. Needless to say, I'm going to request a change of physician and note the fact that she pretty much said the program of treatment which has HELPED me over the last 4 years or so won't be continued because she "doesn't like" it. Yeah, well, I don't like people acting like good doctors who listen to their patients don't know what they are doing. *smirk* It's not like I begged for drugs and they gave them. They said. "We have some avenues we can try. Let's find out what will work best for you." I agreed and we tried different things until a combination worked. THAT is how medicine is SUPPOSED to work.
Hell, the Harris County doc took one look at the list of drugs, asked me what each was for, glanced at the x-rays and stuff from Kelsey and said, "You SURE you don't want that pain med script done here?" I almost fainted. Those county docs are notorious for not wanting to give anyone anything for pain control. Truth is, I don't take the pain meds when they give them to me anyway. There's too much risk of addiction and I don't what to be zombified. They knock me out and I don't like it. So pain pills are reserved only for the kind of pain that makes me attempt to curl up into a ball (which I can't do anymore) and cry. I generally don't cry much (I'm more of a "get pissed off and cuss" kinda gal), so crying is a very good indicator of my pain level and/or emotional state.
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